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Character DesignS




Character Designer

EdYouNet is an educational organization that incorporates technology into high-quality and engaging learning experiences for all students. I was asked to design five EdYouNet characters that will be used in their learning experiences.



Teddy represents the subject Science for EdYouNet. She is confident, responsible,  passionate about her interests, and a natural leader!

Her colors represent ambition, growth, and strength.



Lucy represents the subject Art for EdYouNet. She is creative, compassionate, resourceful, brave, and always finds a way to get everyone involved!

Her colors represent optimism, friendship, and reliability!



Andres represents the subject Social Studies for EdYouNet. He is energetic, knowledgable, proud, sentimental, and is a great communicator who loves storytelling!

His colors represent courage, compassion, fairness, and wisdom.

Joe with Headphones on Neck.png


Greg represents the subject Music and Math for EdYouNet. He is laid back, reserved, independent, and is an explorer always ready for the next adventure!

His colors represent calmness, balance, resilience.

Marcus Junior.png


Marcus represents the subject Health and Writing for EdYouNet. He is disciplined, focused, respected, and the planner of the group!

His colors represent success, enthusiasm, and determination.

The New Children's Museum




Character Designer

Graphic Designer

While working at The New Children's Museum, I came up with and designed two mascots based off of the Museum's installations. The mascots are incorporated into marketing materials, Museum signage, and educational materials. The mascots are used throughout Museum collateral and featured in the Museum's coloring book, art instruction videos, education packages for schools, and so much more.

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Art is a colorful, creative bird inspired by The Rain House installation in the Museum.


Art will encourage you to be creative by having you draw something from your imagination or asking you to answer a curious question that sparks creativity

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Play is an energetic, spontaneous fox inspired by The Wonder Sound installation.


Play will encourage you to try something new by asking you to do a playful, out-of-the-box activity with family and friends or by challenging you with an activity you wouldn’t have thought of doing.

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Character Designer

I supported clients like the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) with creating resources for their staff. In these materials, we needed characters for instructional videos and patient/resident personas.

NMCSD Characters.png
CMS Presona.png
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© 2022 by Kim Valente

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